Before you Invest – Long Term Investor Checklist

Long Term Investor Checklist

As a Do-It-Yourself Investor you know that you can get great value out of doing your own homework and investing without incurring any additional costs (and costs add up significantly)

You will also control the re-balancing process and observe how markets evolve over time (which is a humbling exercise and shows that even most professional investors can’t add much value over the long term)

You may have a plan but would like to get a second opinion – did I miss something? 

While Investment Advice is always personal (and this website only gives broad guidance not tailored advice) there are some common questions Investors are seeking  to answer before starting out investing

Index Investing Checklist

Investment Checklist
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This Investment  Checklist is work-in-progress and will be expanded as resources are added to the website to guide you through the investment process. Exciting things are in the pipeline – if you want to know more subscribe to the newsletter below

Good luck with your Investments!

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Thank you for reading.
Good Luck and Keep’em* Rolling!

(* Wheels & Dividends)



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